Saturday, March 31, 2012

Internationally Known!

It takes two to make a thing go right!

Would the REAL hair extensions junkie please stand up?!

Here I go...the 9th year developing and creating my own brand! What took so freakin long?! Trust me when I say...cracking the code to this niche market is a challenge.

Hardest part? Finding product that rocks! Developing a brand that is fierce enough that it creates positive relationships?! YES! I want to develop a brand that keeps the clients coming back to the stylist~client retention is the name of the game. And by creating a brand that is amazing, well...its a win/win.

I have been lied too, spent tens of thousands of $'s. Years of packages, Skype dates, emails and bad english/chinese conversation. I haven't given up. The more disappointed I became the more I new that I was on to something. It has fueled my obsession to find the mother ship of hair!

That said. Hair extensions are a 2 part recipe. First, the Remy hair. Second is the bond that holds the loose bulk strands together.

We source Remy hair directly from Russia and temples of India(photo below). We have also bought directly from Collectors in Brazil. Kilos of virgin hair have arrived to our offices, gorgeous colors as light as level 7.

We have touched some of the best and worst hair in the world. According to every International Sales rep, their hair is the best hair! It's been a painful process and yet so exciting.

Formulating the keratin bond required us to learn everything and anything about keratin. Keratin is Protein. There are several types of low quality keratin, keratin wax(thumbs down), keratin polymer, Italian Keratin and so on. Pre-tipped is always a keratin or poly-eurathane bond/tip. Both are ways of keeping loose hair together in the extension, so that it can be bonded to the natural hair. Being that most bonds are patented it makes it difficult to discover the magic combination of "keratin", and to make a bond that is different than the others. Our brand mustn't have any of those cheap keratin bonds attached to our hair extensions. To my surprise, there are various large companies that sell fusion hair extensions that have polymer in the bond. Polymer is a fancy word for...glue. YIKES! Polymer is made from white glue. It is the less expensive way to make a keratin bond but it is the first way to damage the natural hair.

Great hair extensions are about amazing quality Remy hair AND method of attachment. It is vital that it doesn't damage the integrity of the natural hair, undetectable appearance, quality and longevity.

We are happy to announce that we are in the final phase of creation. The method of attachment is vast. A full line of keratin bonds, tips, tapes, clip-ins and lace front wigs.

As we visit our factories, although we can't publish the names and places, we do intend to publish photos of our trip. Our hope is that one day we will be able to provide all bonding to be done in the USA. But for now, we will travel 26 hours each way! Formulating, creating and designing an all methods brand for Professional Stylists.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us or post them on this blog.