Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A good "head" on my shoulders...

Providing women with the hair they have always dreamed of is an opportunity of a life time.  Sure you can say that this is a HUGE exaggeration. However, roll with me here...

If you came to me and said you wanted to lose weight, knowing that I am a BCRPA Certified Trainer.  I would guide you to the ways of weight loss that would be healthy, increase your metabolism and practical. I would also kick your butt in the gym. Personal Training was my first real job, or was it my second? I have had so many jobs.  I think somewhere in there I worked at McDonalds and Wendy's for a hot minute.  I have been working since I was old enough to have a paper route.  ANYWAYS.

What I know to be true is this...goals takes time.  Plastic surgery we have to heal, actually first we have to save the money.  Followed by take time off work, then the surgery and finally healing time.  Weight loss is similar.  If you want to lose 10 pounds, I am going say give it two weeks and here is the detailed plan.  There are no short cuts or overnight success stories in fitness and nutrition.

That said, in less than 2 hours I can change your life.  Sure that may seem like a stretch.  But I have found this statement to be more true than not.  A "bad hair day" turns into being a "bad day".  This phrase hit in the 80's.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  Bad Hair Day hats, t-shirts, websites...

I have never NOT had hair extensions.  I actually don't own photos nor have I taken a photo (for that matter) of myself without hair extensions.  Call it what you will.  I am honest in my lack of confidence with out some type of extension.  I have had and worn it all.  Weaves, wigs, clip-ons, synthetic bang pieces(huge mistake), wrap around pony's and last but not least...used to make my own fusion hair extensions from bulk hair.  Why?  Because I have hair of a little girl.  My pony tail resembles a 3 year old.  Cute on a little girl, not so cute on a 30 something (ok almost 40) year old.  The good news of this is...I can relate.

When a female calls, visits or emails and shares her challenges, I instantly want to be the one to give her what God didn't.  A Good head of hair!  I joke and say that God couldn't' give me this wowing personality and a good head of hair at the same time because it wouldn't be fair to others.  This always makes me feel better when I see a gorgeous Brazilian lady walking down the street wearing a size 0 pant and has a full head of gorgeous hair!  SO unfair.  Why her?  How come she has the Victoria Secret hair without the clip-ins that the Victoria Secret models wear to get that hair?!

Ok back to the point...

Once I have provided her with the perfect set of Tresses, blended, cut and styled her hair; she now has volume, length and the hair she always dreamed of.  She will walk taller, look and feel younger and have a sense about herself that she didn't have before.  Her stress level is minimized and so are the hours she used to spend trying to get ready every day.  Trying to manipulate thin fine hair to do "something"/"anything" is a challenge.  I have seen the transition with with my own eyes.  Phone calls, emails and testimonials back up what I am sharing.  The key is selecting the right technique, texture of hair and placement of extensions.  Of course always protecting the integrity of the clients hair first and foremost.

Having a good head on my shoulders simply is the new way of turning something negative into a positive. Bad hair days are a thing of the past.  We all should have a good head on OUR shoulders.  And by that I mean, we all deserve a good head of hair.