Saturday, March 31, 2012

Internationally Known!

It takes two to make a thing go right!

Would the REAL hair extensions junkie please stand up?!

Here I go...the 9th year developing and creating my own brand! What took so freakin long?! Trust me when I say...cracking the code to this niche market is a challenge.

Hardest part? Finding product that rocks! Developing a brand that is fierce enough that it creates positive relationships?! YES! I want to develop a brand that keeps the clients coming back to the stylist~client retention is the name of the game. And by creating a brand that is amazing, well...its a win/win.

I have been lied too, spent tens of thousands of $'s. Years of packages, Skype dates, emails and bad english/chinese conversation. I haven't given up. The more disappointed I became the more I new that I was on to something. It has fueled my obsession to find the mother ship of hair!

That said. Hair extensions are a 2 part recipe. First, the Remy hair. Second is the bond that holds the loose bulk strands together.

We source Remy hair directly from Russia and temples of India(photo below). We have also bought directly from Collectors in Brazil. Kilos of virgin hair have arrived to our offices, gorgeous colors as light as level 7.

We have touched some of the best and worst hair in the world. According to every International Sales rep, their hair is the best hair! It's been a painful process and yet so exciting.

Formulating the keratin bond required us to learn everything and anything about keratin. Keratin is Protein. There are several types of low quality keratin, keratin wax(thumbs down), keratin polymer, Italian Keratin and so on. Pre-tipped is always a keratin or poly-eurathane bond/tip. Both are ways of keeping loose hair together in the extension, so that it can be bonded to the natural hair. Being that most bonds are patented it makes it difficult to discover the magic combination of "keratin", and to make a bond that is different than the others. Our brand mustn't have any of those cheap keratin bonds attached to our hair extensions. To my surprise, there are various large companies that sell fusion hair extensions that have polymer in the bond. Polymer is a fancy word for...glue. YIKES! Polymer is made from white glue. It is the less expensive way to make a keratin bond but it is the first way to damage the natural hair.

Great hair extensions are about amazing quality Remy hair AND method of attachment. It is vital that it doesn't damage the integrity of the natural hair, undetectable appearance, quality and longevity.

We are happy to announce that we are in the final phase of creation. The method of attachment is vast. A full line of keratin bonds, tips, tapes, clip-ins and lace front wigs.

As we visit our factories, although we can't publish the names and places, we do intend to publish photos of our trip. Our hope is that one day we will be able to provide all bonding to be done in the USA. But for now, we will travel 26 hours each way! Formulating, creating and designing an all methods brand for Professional Stylists.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us or post them on this blog.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

As I sit here at the airport...I look around and take in my surroundings. I quickly notice a lady reading the latest Victoria Secret Catalogue and another reading Cosmo. Earlier I was in the magazine shop and fixated on the covers of what seemed to be hundreds of magazines. Most covers have a beautiful female with perfect skin, body and hair.

Such a big shoe to fill. The need for females to live up to what appears to be the norm. To fulfill what we, as women, think men want. Or even, what we wish we would look like. A challenge when females have to work full time jobs, take care of children, membership in the PTA, non-profits and so on...

The models on 90% of the magazines are wearing Hair Extensions. False lashes, fake tan and YUP hair extensions.

The photo below is from back stage at a Victoria Secret Fashion show. The top portion of the hair extensions is sprayed with a colored power to give the appearance of a natural root line and also for undetectable extensions.

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I also see men that have very little hair, no hair, tons of hair and one man...earlier...who had a toupee. OH I can spot them a mile away. How is it that he can't see what I can?! YIKES.

My reasoning for comparing men to women is this...and please don't hate on me for saying this. But, the facts are facts. Men CAN get away with what woman can't. If a man is bald, overweight and can make a lady laugh...chances are...he is not a lonely man. If he has a small or large resemblance of a "crome dome" aka "bald spot", BUT has cash in his wallet and a bit of wit, charm and knows how to treat a lady...HE IS NOT LONELY.

I digress. If a lady is bald, overweight and funny...she IS lonely. She probably will not leave her home. Men are not attracted to her. IF he is attracted to her, and there are few, he is one of those amazing men that loves her for her completely. The reality is black and white.

We live in this so-called perfect world. Those that grace the covers of magazines would hardly be noticed at the grocery store. Victoria Secret models do not have all that hair. I have seen the videos of what goes on back stage. I am fascinated with the whole "concept" of what Victoria Secret hair represents don't get me wrong! But what I am saying here is think, society thinks...that that is her hair. They think that her low protein diet, all the time under heat lamps, wear and tear from numerous photo shoots, heat tools and over cleansing that her hair really is THAT shiny, THAT full and THAT long! WOW.

If I were to take the layers off. She would also have freckles (like most of us from sun damage), wrinkles, cellulite and much thinner dare i say shorter hair than what you would think.

For years I have said "I am like Sampson in the Bible. You cut my hair, you take my power!".

Don't judge a book by it's cover!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Stickin To It!

A few years ago, well lets just say...when the economy sank...I began a search for great quality hair extensions that wouldn't break my clients budget. My business was not effected with the negativity of the economy. Of course I hate to hear stories of anyone losing their job! However, when we look good ... we feel good! Unfortunately women are still losing their hair, still struggling with the lack of volume and still want to pass by the mirror and smile! Yes I am the first person to say the beauty comes from the inside. But looking good on the outside sure makes for an easier ride!

Back in the day there was a method called, "Skin Wefting". Wefts of hair were attached to the natural hair with some form of cold fusion. Cold fusion can be liquid adhesives, keratin tape or links/beads.

2012 this method is called "Sticker/Panels/Tape 2 Tape/Skin Wefting/Double Sided Tape Hair". What has changed? The weft now is made in 1.5 inch panels. Pre-tapped and re-usable. When I hear the name sticker hair extensions, I am less than excited. However the concept is there. Imagine a method of hair extensions that are applied "sandwich" style. Each panel marries to the other, with a thin section of the natural hair in between.

I have been wearing this method for the past 2 years. I love the volume this method achieves. Oh and I love that it takes under an hour and re-usable. I have experienced minimal damage. To be honest the damage that is done is because I often go to bed with wet hair. I am a late night bath addict! It's impossible to keep my hair dry!

Maintenance is every 8-10 weeks. The hair (if its the right brand)is re-usable for 8+ months. I have a few clients that have re-used the panels for over a year!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Long And Short Of It

Hair Extensions are - in my opinion - for everyone!  For those who want to add highlights, lowlights, block coloring, volume (don't we all?), a little or a lot of length, wavy or straight texture and for some...fantasy colors.

Fantasy colors for example, are Ravens Fans who wear purple extensions during the football season.  Redskins fans rocking the red feathers.  For a hot minute feather extensions were the "IT" thing.  I have been working with feathers way before they came and left the fashion world.  I have always had nothing but love for feathers!  How unique, feminine and colorful they are.  However, they are not, in my opinion, for everyday wear.  Earrings, bracelets, headpieces and clip-ons.  Basically, the type you can take on and off.  I only know one celebrity who can pull the daily feather extensions off and that is Steven Tyler.

The bottom line is that hair extensions can give you what mother nature didn't.  As a professional stylist, I have noticed that there are times when a colorist has not taken the extra steps to protect the integrity of the clients hair.  Why over highlight and stack a whole head of foils?  Why not use the natural level as a low light and only highlight the crown region?!  I could go on but none the less.  The long and short of it is this..."Let the Extensions do the work for you!".    It saves time, protects the integrity of the natural hair and dare I say...saves money!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A good "head" on my shoulders...

Providing women with the hair they have always dreamed of is an opportunity of a life time.  Sure you can say that this is a HUGE exaggeration. However, roll with me here...

If you came to me and said you wanted to lose weight, knowing that I am a BCRPA Certified Trainer.  I would guide you to the ways of weight loss that would be healthy, increase your metabolism and practical. I would also kick your butt in the gym. Personal Training was my first real job, or was it my second? I have had so many jobs.  I think somewhere in there I worked at McDonalds and Wendy's for a hot minute.  I have been working since I was old enough to have a paper route.  ANYWAYS.

What I know to be true is this...goals takes time.  Plastic surgery we have to heal, actually first we have to save the money.  Followed by take time off work, then the surgery and finally healing time.  Weight loss is similar.  If you want to lose 10 pounds, I am going say give it two weeks and here is the detailed plan.  There are no short cuts or overnight success stories in fitness and nutrition.

That said, in less than 2 hours I can change your life.  Sure that may seem like a stretch.  But I have found this statement to be more true than not.  A "bad hair day" turns into being a "bad day".  This phrase hit in the 80's.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  Bad Hair Day hats, t-shirts, websites...

I have never NOT had hair extensions.  I actually don't own photos nor have I taken a photo (for that matter) of myself without hair extensions.  Call it what you will.  I am honest in my lack of confidence with out some type of extension.  I have had and worn it all.  Weaves, wigs, clip-ons, synthetic bang pieces(huge mistake), wrap around pony's and last but not least...used to make my own fusion hair extensions from bulk hair.  Why?  Because I have hair of a little girl.  My pony tail resembles a 3 year old.  Cute on a little girl, not so cute on a 30 something (ok almost 40) year old.  The good news of this is...I can relate.

When a female calls, visits or emails and shares her challenges, I instantly want to be the one to give her what God didn't.  A Good head of hair!  I joke and say that God couldn't' give me this wowing personality and a good head of hair at the same time because it wouldn't be fair to others.  This always makes me feel better when I see a gorgeous Brazilian lady walking down the street wearing a size 0 pant and has a full head of gorgeous hair!  SO unfair.  Why her?  How come she has the Victoria Secret hair without the clip-ins that the Victoria Secret models wear to get that hair?!

Ok back to the point...

Once I have provided her with the perfect set of Tresses, blended, cut and styled her hair; she now has volume, length and the hair she always dreamed of.  She will walk taller, look and feel younger and have a sense about herself that she didn't have before.  Her stress level is minimized and so are the hours she used to spend trying to get ready every day.  Trying to manipulate thin fine hair to do "something"/"anything" is a challenge.  I have seen the transition with with my own eyes.  Phone calls, emails and testimonials back up what I am sharing.  The key is selecting the right technique, texture of hair and placement of extensions.  Of course always protecting the integrity of the clients hair first and foremost.

Having a good head on my shoulders simply is the new way of turning something negative into a positive. Bad hair days are a thing of the past.  We all should have a good head on OUR shoulders.  And by that I mean, we all deserve a good head of hair.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Moving on Up

I often wonder if cloning is a bad thing?!  Of course I am joking.  However, the success of Studio She is fueled by this brain and these two hands/legs.

Our education program teaches the importance of Blogging.  I have experienced phone calls from blogs I wrote 5 years ago.  Those were the days, when I had adequate time to blog about hair, after care products, extensions, fad diets...

None the less.  Big things have been happening and it will take me a few months to get this blog up to par!  However, I truly feel blessed for the opportunity to share and empower women who possibly need a little pick me up.

Fast track thru 2011... We have partnered with Hello Gorgeous of HOPE!.

A non profit that selectively joins a kindred-like sister hood/salon with passion to help women feel better during a challenging time in their lives.  Letters are written in by family and loved ones.  The nomination letters detail the type of Cancer and some basic information.  This "Day of Beauty" is truly about celebrating her and her amazing strength.  The goal is to do a complete make-over so that she looks and feels great!

Basically, we shut the salon down for half a day.  The Nominee has no idea what is in store for her.    We turn the salon into a swanky spa.  Roll out the Red Carpet, light candles, chocolates hand crafted from "A Perfect Truffle", massage (for some), facial, new outfit, hair and make-up. A welcome committee awaits her arrival with flowers and balloons.  I even wear a be-dazzled shirt!  (Which, if you knew me, this is not typical of my daily jeans and chucks attire.)

She is then swept away in a limo and taken to our local favorite Italian Restaurant.  It has been more than amazing and I look forward to sharing those experiences.  Further, I will link those blogs to some of the ladies who have been an integral part of making these "Days of Beauty" a huge success.  Our next one in in a few weeks and man-oh-man is she in for a surprise.

I also started the new year with a nice fancy framed award!  National Association of Professional Women has honored me "Woman of the Year".

At first, it stayed in my the original box.  Slowly it made its way into the front of the salon and now somehow I have managed to put it in the quiet area of the salon.  I am honored and humbled.  I often get teased as to why I don't hang it by my station (where I spend long days @ Studio She).  At the end of the day, I give from my heart.  Receiving such an award is like a huge pat on the back OR a possible big hug when I need one.

There is so much more to share...but then again...I truly don't think I could ever run out of things to say when it directly associates my love and passion for my career.