Friday, September 11, 2009

Japanese Hair Straightening Solves East Coast FRIZZ

Across the world women share a common concern that is often turned into a daily struggle; curly, unruly and generally out of control hair is something that plagues us everyday and no matter what we do nothing seems to be able to solve this problem. Thankfully however back in 1996 a lady known as Ms Yuko in Japan developed a revolutionary system that revolved around a non coating straightening system, which uses heat oxidation as a means of sealing in and rebuilding the hair from the inside out. This system is now known simply as Japanese hair straightening systems and is one of the most popular forms of permanent hair straightening.

People are now taking advantage of this treatment, which is already highly popular in places such as Japan and Los Angeles and when you think about it the reasons become very clear. What I mean by this is the facts that surround how long it takes us on average to try and control our unruly hair every morning. Basically studies have been conducted and concluded that on average 67% of women blow dry and straighten their locks everyday, which generally takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete so when you total this up that’s a massive 275 hours a year that we spend on straightening. With the help of this process you gain all of this time back. You will no longer spend nearly an hour a down trying to get your locks to look smooth and sleek. Instead you will literally have to wash your hair, that’s it! You can then leave it to dry naturally and it will dry straight with no action on your behalf, the only thing you may want to do is quickly run your straighteners through for about five minutes but that’s it.

Japanese Straightening system is a chemically based one that is designed to permanently straighten out your hair, but is something that can only be performed at a salon. It involves a chemical solution being placed onto your hair and heated irons that are used to seal the solution in. It is a solution that can be used on almost all types of hair, excluding only two, which are afro and bleached. It is also a system that actually improves the look and feel of your locks the more you have it carried out. So how long will the system generally last for when it has been performed on your locks? It is estimated that this treatment will last anything up to 12 months but as the treatment doesn’t really fade out but rather it grows out, the actual amount of time will depend more on how long it takes for your hair to grow.

By just spending four to five hours in a salon you will leave with glossy, shiny and smooth healthy looking hair that is poker straight and easy to manage. You will basically never have to worry about another bad hair day again.

For all of your Yuko Hair Straightening needs look no further than Studio She Salon in Frederick MD as they are experienced and experts when it comes to administering this treatment.

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